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Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Reality Of Conscience

    For those who heard of astral travel or even meditated,possibly read a book on the subject,would of no doubt heard of the conscience and sub-conscience self.

   But what is the conscience or sub-conscience self?
 Where does it truly dwell?

  Though scientific research and what we have been taught to belive is your conscience self exists in your physical body. The subconscience stores information of things you have learned growing up now do these things without thinking about it. As it was put,it makes sense...Till now. If it were fact,then how does one explain how a newborn baby takes it's first breathe? Or cries when it needs a particular thing? It was never taught to do that,it simply knew what to do as we say instinctively. But where did the instinct come from?

  The answer you'd get based on what is currently known is they sub-conscienciously knew.

  I've got to thank a book I read on astral travel for giving me this thought. The author stated that we can move our conscience self from the physical plane to the spiritual. What if that's really not the case? What if our conscience self is already in our spirit self?

 When we eat,drink,walk..etc. We have learned to do it, now we seem to be able to do these things automatically. When we are sitting down and want to stand up,we first have to tell ourselves we are going to stand. Then with very little effort and almost surprisingly we are on our feet. Somewhere between sitting and standing,after we thought about it,there was an automatic response. This would be in accordance to what we know. A conscience effort to sub-conscienciously stand up.

  Our spirit self has limitless abilities. Only bound by what we believe we can or cannot achieve.

  Wait a minute,didn't someone believe they could make something square into something round? And that something round into something mobile? But where and how did they obtain that knowledge? The spirit is limitless on what it can do. They couldn't of possibly conscienciously known this if it were scientifically true what is said about conscience.

   When we astral project,mind travel,see,hear,smell or even feel spirits around us, how else could we know if we were not connected to our spirit conscienciously? So where do we feel it dwell? In our spirit.

  With this thought, I have concluded and believe that our conscience is in our spiritual being and our sub-conscience ( ability to function based on an automatic response to thought) is in our physical self.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Take a walk with thee

One two, buckle your shoe.

    It's time to take your spiritual walk. So buckle up and enjoy.
Seek the out the kingdom of God. Means to find your inner self. To know your own spirit. This is where the kingdom lies,it's within you. Always has been. To buckle your shoe means to walk within yourself. The Christian bible says to walk in the path of Jesus. It doesn't mean that literally. Jesus walked within his spirit and became spiritually powerful. Capable of many things because he listened to his spirit and believed in his self.

Three four, shut the door.

    The past is the past. When you start your walk leave everything behind you. Shut the door on your past life and open a new one for a brighter and better future. Everything you will need will be provided for you during your quest to find yourself.

Five six, Pick up sticks.

  Thy rod and thy staff will comfort thee. I took notice that when I'm feeling down I tend to pick up pieces of sticks and start breaking them apart. In doing this I also break apart what is bothering me. When I'm finished,somehow I feel better. If you find yourself feeling down,pick up your staff and give unto it your negative feelings. It will in turn because it is touching the ground,take those feelings and return it to the Earth. Don't break your staff,your gonna need it throughout your journey.

Seven Eight,lay down straight.

  At this point in your journey, you will want to astral travel to other realms where there are teachers waiting to guide you through whatever you may seek. Laying down straight allows your spirit to be released much easier. It's uncomfortable to lay like this for to long ensuring you don't fall asleep while you travel through time and space.

Nine ten,do it again.

  You have learned a great deal during your journey but you haven't learned everything.So retuning to the astral world to continue learning more is a wonderful idea. And once you travel for the first time the awesome expierence will make you want to do it again and again. Not to mention get you used to moving your conscienceness from your physical body to your spiritual body. Giving you a potential advantage at being able to do so during the death of your body. When you come back in your next life you have a greater chance of remember your past one. So do it again and again.