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Sunday, August 25, 2013

A great moment in time

      A little over five years ago,I have been separated from my kids mother. It has been a long,sometimes depressing matter to be away from my family. I was hoping for total family reunification but it didn't happen. She prefers what she has,no hard feelings it is what it is and nothing I can change,believe me I tried. My boys were temporarily placed in foster care. I thought at that moment I lost them forever and went into a deep depression which fortunately I came out of rather quickly. Chances are you'll hear or read variations of this story but what is written here is the truth and nothing but the truth. It won't be the entire story as some things just don't need to be public. There was a case plan involved,one that sadly I was not in a position  to complete. I failed my sons but not their mother. She managed to complete her case plan three times. She worked hard and tried hard and went against the odds and got custody of them, Kudos to her for doing so. Sadly though she remained in a state that I would say depression however can't honestly describe it as such but to the outside it would appear this way. Sad the one thing she despised were alcoholics and she fell right into the ism of it. Several DUIs the last putting her into jail then rehab. During her incarceration I get a phone call saying my kids were in a negative situation and I need to remove them from the house. Despite what you may hear,I love mo boys,always have always will. In less then twenty four hours,with police escort received them and brought them home with me. When the police get involved with the removal or replacement home of children it's protocol that children services are notified. Children services came to the house,did a full investigation and found the house and it's members satisfactorily safe and sound so the children remained in home. Because I failed the previous case plan,I ended up losing visitation of them and had to be removed from the home until visitation could be reestablished.I thought I was going to lose them once again,however stayed focused and positive and got visitation back. Since then have been working hard getting them in school and all their medical up to date...not that it wasn't accomplished just making sure it was. Finally ending up in court and receiving custody of them. I am not writing this to brag,not my style. I'm writing this to show that if you don't give up,stay positive and focused and keep pushing for the best results,no matter how long it takes,eventually those results will come. Both her mother and I have gone through a lot. The difference is I stayed positive,no matter what tried to help her and it mattered not what she did wrong,as long as I did what I could to make it right,the right thing would happen. I believe it won't get any more right than this.

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