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Sunday, August 25, 2013

A great moment in time

      A little over five years ago,I have been separated from my kids mother. It has been a long,sometimes depressing matter to be away from my family. I was hoping for total family reunification but it didn't happen. She prefers what she has,no hard feelings it is what it is and nothing I can change,believe me I tried. My boys were temporarily placed in foster care. I thought at that moment I lost them forever and went into a deep depression which fortunately I came out of rather quickly. Chances are you'll hear or read variations of this story but what is written here is the truth and nothing but the truth. It won't be the entire story as some things just don't need to be public. There was a case plan involved,one that sadly I was not in a position  to complete. I failed my sons but not their mother. She managed to complete her case plan three times. She worked hard and tried hard and went against the odds and got custody of them, Kudos to her for doing so. Sadly though she remained in a state that I would say depression however can't honestly describe it as such but to the outside it would appear this way. Sad the one thing she despised were alcoholics and she fell right into the ism of it. Several DUIs the last putting her into jail then rehab. During her incarceration I get a phone call saying my kids were in a negative situation and I need to remove them from the house. Despite what you may hear,I love mo boys,always have always will. In less then twenty four hours,with police escort received them and brought them home with me. When the police get involved with the removal or replacement home of children it's protocol that children services are notified. Children services came to the house,did a full investigation and found the house and it's members satisfactorily safe and sound so the children remained in home. Because I failed the previous case plan,I ended up losing visitation of them and had to be removed from the home until visitation could be reestablished.I thought I was going to lose them once again,however stayed focused and positive and got visitation back. Since then have been working hard getting them in school and all their medical up to date...not that it wasn't accomplished just making sure it was. Finally ending up in court and receiving custody of them. I am not writing this to brag,not my style. I'm writing this to show that if you don't give up,stay positive and focused and keep pushing for the best results,no matter how long it takes,eventually those results will come. Both her mother and I have gone through a lot. The difference is I stayed positive,no matter what tried to help her and it mattered not what she did wrong,as long as I did what I could to make it right,the right thing would happen. I believe it won't get any more right than this.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Book Of

                                   Astrological Evolution
                                         And Words Of

Fixed Signs

Fixed signs are those who stick with a project. They are stubborn and immovable especially when it comes to something they believe in.


Jan, 20-Feb,18                           Characteristics-      Honest,humanitarian,Independent,eccentric,stubborn,intelligent,rational.    Element Air- Ideas seem to come out of thin air, Are social, can liven up a crowd when things start getting dull, always changing once you think you know them they change again, not very emotional, free-thinkers and movers, don't like to be bound.

  Planet Uranus- lighting and anything to with sudden illumination, original thinkers, new technologies, things that revolve, idealists, governmental issues that pertain to rights and freedoms.

  Health Ankles and circulatory- No herb discovered for joints, however Glucosamine works well for it. For your heart and circulatory ailments especially high blood pressure and cholesterol use: Ginkgo.

 Stone Agate- Aids in meditation and protects from danger.

 Your opposite sign of Leo has some words of inspiration for you.

Change Is Good

My spirituality and new outlook on life has given me what seems to be a new set of eyes. No I'm still blind as a bat but it's a second sight, one that has been heard of but I never experienced till recently. I spent four weeks patiently waiting to ask this woman out. Being an empath I was able to tell when she was ready to face her fear and open up to me. I could sense her fear of not knowing what I was going to turn out like and her fear of love. However she faced her fear and said yes. I watched as the fear melted away. Because she faced her fear and listened to her spirit, her entire demeanor changed. I saw happiness in her eyes. I saw a beautiful smile. She was so thrilled to give me a hug. She no doubt needed one. Her fear prior to her happiness was due to all her previous moments with other guys. Can't call it a relationship if there really wasn't one. Then I saw a marvelous sight. Just before we left for our separate dwelling places, I looked at her and saw her glowing. It was amazing, right then I knew I did the right thing. A couple of days later though her glow was gone happiness completely disappeared. Once again I was blocked from reading her. She grew distant. Though I have a pretty good idea why, I haven't asked her what happened. I'm very sure that on her way home she started "thinking". Thoughts are connected to the mind and the mind can deceive. When she shut her mind off and listened to her spirit she was happy. Two changes took place but these are not the good changes I speak of. True the first change was a great change but it didn't last, she backslid and that's okay. About a month later, me being stubborn like I am, refused to give up. She was eating at the place she worked at during her night off. I sensed her presence and went off to find her. Since I work in the same building it wasn't to hard. I sit across from her, say "hi how are you?" you know just small talk. Then I get quiet and just.... well she'll say I was staring at her, but I was looking into her. After a few moments she looks up and asks "what?" In which I responded "your beautiful" Her response "no I'm not and don't say that, I don't like it". Like it or not she is what she is. I responded ", well in my eyes you are". That comment must have made an impact because a couple of days later... The change came. It's simply amazing how such a small change can have a profound effect. Again I was mesmerized. For what I saw before me was a being that made such a change it allowed her inner beauty to come forth and compliment her already existing outer beauty which made her appear angelic. All because she got her hair cut. Guys these words are what women want to hear from you. Not just because you know it'll make them feel good. They want you to see it just like I have. Women make subtle changes all the time to get your attention. These changes become bigger and more noticeable until you see there is something different about them. So if it comes to your woman throwing a dish at you it's because you missed out on a whole lot of the smaller changes. In the case of this woman, she changed because of a compliment I gave her. Whether she said she liked it or not, she gained the confidence needed on the inside and wanted to show the world by making a change on the outside. And what a great change it was.

 Aquarians are compatible with Libras. See what their inspiration is and just how compatible you are with them.


July, 23-August, 22
  Proud, creative, organized, affectionate, flamboyant, dignified, stubborn, loyal, needs to be appreciated and enthusiastic.                       

  Element- Fire
These are the take control, make sure you know they are there, must be recognized, proud of what they have accomplished, leaders and motivators, loves materialistic things


Represents will power, courage, creativity, purpose, growth, one's sense of uniqueness, authority, father and the ruler.

  Health-heart and spine.

for heart disease use: Ginkgo, hawthorne or passion flower. For high blood pressure use: Barberry, Black Cohosh, Fever few, garlic, ginger, mistletoe, motherwort, saffron or valerian.

Amber balances energies and harmonizes, strengthens aura, balance of yin/yang, attract compassion, protects against evil influences and accidental injuries.

 Leo your opposite astrological sign Aquarius has these words of inspiration for you.

What is, What if

Female, "what if he cheats on me? He's asking me out, I'm afraid if I say yes he'll just end up cheating on me". "Oh no, he's asking me to move in with him. This is getting serious. I'll be committing myself even deeper. I'll move in. Just watch he'll cheat on me I know it, but what if he does? Then What? What will I do"? Three years later. "He's asked me to marry him. We've been together for four years, I love him and this will make me totally committed to him. I'm so scared. I know once we're married he'll cheat on me. I need time to think this through. I know, I'll go to the club, kind of take my mind off things".

  Male, " look at her, she's beautiful. I'm mesmerized by her. We've been hanging out and talking for some time now. I'm going to ask her out". A year later, "wow, I can't believe we been dating a year. Tonight is our first anniversary. I'll take her out to dinner and ask her to move in. I can't help it, I love her and I want to be with her everyday". "I'm so nervous, my palms are sweaty. It's been four years and I know every inch of her inside and out, such a great spirit, wonderful personality. She's the one without a doubt in my mind I want to spend the rest of my life with".

  "What went wrong? What did I do to cause her to want to cheat on me? What if I asked her to move in to soon? What if I asked her to marry me too soon? What if I scared her away"? I thought everything was going great, but what if it really wasn't? What if she was just using me? All I can remember while these tears role down my face is all the good times we had. So where did I go wrong?"

  That's quite a bit of what ifs, don't you think? What in this story did go wrong? It's a no brainer the female was wrong by cheating. But why did she cheat? She concerned herself about the what if he cheats, that in her mind she became certain it was going to happen that she reversed willed it into existence. In other words she ended doing the cheating not him. Her fear and convincing herself it was going to happen, made it happen.

  He not once worried to himself about the what ifs in the beginning. However he did in the end. He blames himself because of what she did. He asks what if until he convinces himself it was his fault. So females ask future what ifs while males ask past what ifs.

  Imagine the difference it would have made if they realized the what is.

  Female, "he is handsome, "He is a great guy. We've been together for a long time and he is well worth marrying".

  Male, "She is my wife and I'll love her all my life.
   There is a point of personal evolution for this story.
The what ifs created a negative ripple, thus slowing down both the male and females evolution. They now both have to start new relationships and start the whole process all over again.

The what is sprung them forward on their evolutionary track. Now they have a great relationship and can start planning to have kids and an awesome future.

  Leo your compatibility sign is Saggittarius, see who their opposite sign is and how they can be inspired by them. Also see just how compatible you are.