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Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Book Of

                                   Astrological Evolution
                                         And Words Of

Fixed Signs

Fixed signs are those who stick with a project. They are stubborn and immovable especially when it comes to something they believe in.


Jan, 20-Feb,18                           Characteristics-      Honest,humanitarian,Independent,eccentric,stubborn,intelligent,rational.    Element Air- Ideas seem to come out of thin air, Are social, can liven up a crowd when things start getting dull, always changing once you think you know them they change again, not very emotional, free-thinkers and movers, don't like to be bound.

  Planet Uranus- lighting and anything to with sudden illumination, original thinkers, new technologies, things that revolve, idealists, governmental issues that pertain to rights and freedoms.

  Health Ankles and circulatory- No herb discovered for joints, however Glucosamine works well for it. For your heart and circulatory ailments especially high blood pressure and cholesterol use: Ginkgo.

 Stone Agate- Aids in meditation and protects from danger.

 Your opposite sign of Leo has some words of inspiration for you.

Change Is Good

My spirituality and new outlook on life has given me what seems to be a new set of eyes. No I'm still blind as a bat but it's a second sight, one that has been heard of but I never experienced till recently. I spent four weeks patiently waiting to ask this woman out. Being an empath I was able to tell when she was ready to face her fear and open up to me. I could sense her fear of not knowing what I was going to turn out like and her fear of love. However she faced her fear and said yes. I watched as the fear melted away. Because she faced her fear and listened to her spirit, her entire demeanor changed. I saw happiness in her eyes. I saw a beautiful smile. She was so thrilled to give me a hug. She no doubt needed one. Her fear prior to her happiness was due to all her previous moments with other guys. Can't call it a relationship if there really wasn't one. Then I saw a marvelous sight. Just before we left for our separate dwelling places, I looked at her and saw her glowing. It was amazing, right then I knew I did the right thing. A couple of days later though her glow was gone happiness completely disappeared. Once again I was blocked from reading her. She grew distant. Though I have a pretty good idea why, I haven't asked her what happened. I'm very sure that on her way home she started "thinking". Thoughts are connected to the mind and the mind can deceive. When she shut her mind off and listened to her spirit she was happy. Two changes took place but these are not the good changes I speak of. True the first change was a great change but it didn't last, she backslid and that's okay. About a month later, me being stubborn like I am, refused to give up. She was eating at the place she worked at during her night off. I sensed her presence and went off to find her. Since I work in the same building it wasn't to hard. I sit across from her, say "hi how are you?" you know just small talk. Then I get quiet and just.... well she'll say I was staring at her, but I was looking into her. After a few moments she looks up and asks "what?" In which I responded "your beautiful" Her response "no I'm not and don't say that, I don't like it". Like it or not she is what she is. I responded ", well in my eyes you are". That comment must have made an impact because a couple of days later... The change came. It's simply amazing how such a small change can have a profound effect. Again I was mesmerized. For what I saw before me was a being that made such a change it allowed her inner beauty to come forth and compliment her already existing outer beauty which made her appear angelic. All because she got her hair cut. Guys these words are what women want to hear from you. Not just because you know it'll make them feel good. They want you to see it just like I have. Women make subtle changes all the time to get your attention. These changes become bigger and more noticeable until you see there is something different about them. So if it comes to your woman throwing a dish at you it's because you missed out on a whole lot of the smaller changes. In the case of this woman, she changed because of a compliment I gave her. Whether she said she liked it or not, she gained the confidence needed on the inside and wanted to show the world by making a change on the outside. And what a great change it was.

 Aquarians are compatible with Libras. See what their inspiration is and just how compatible you are with them.


July, 23-August, 22
  Proud, creative, organized, affectionate, flamboyant, dignified, stubborn, loyal, needs to be appreciated and enthusiastic.                       

  Element- Fire
These are the take control, make sure you know they are there, must be recognized, proud of what they have accomplished, leaders and motivators, loves materialistic things


Represents will power, courage, creativity, purpose, growth, one's sense of uniqueness, authority, father and the ruler.

  Health-heart and spine.

for heart disease use: Ginkgo, hawthorne or passion flower. For high blood pressure use: Barberry, Black Cohosh, Fever few, garlic, ginger, mistletoe, motherwort, saffron or valerian.

Amber balances energies and harmonizes, strengthens aura, balance of yin/yang, attract compassion, protects against evil influences and accidental injuries.

 Leo your opposite astrological sign Aquarius has these words of inspiration for you.

What is, What if

Female, "what if he cheats on me? He's asking me out, I'm afraid if I say yes he'll just end up cheating on me". "Oh no, he's asking me to move in with him. This is getting serious. I'll be committing myself even deeper. I'll move in. Just watch he'll cheat on me I know it, but what if he does? Then What? What will I do"? Three years later. "He's asked me to marry him. We've been together for four years, I love him and this will make me totally committed to him. I'm so scared. I know once we're married he'll cheat on me. I need time to think this through. I know, I'll go to the club, kind of take my mind off things".

  Male, " look at her, she's beautiful. I'm mesmerized by her. We've been hanging out and talking for some time now. I'm going to ask her out". A year later, "wow, I can't believe we been dating a year. Tonight is our first anniversary. I'll take her out to dinner and ask her to move in. I can't help it, I love her and I want to be with her everyday". "I'm so nervous, my palms are sweaty. It's been four years and I know every inch of her inside and out, such a great spirit, wonderful personality. She's the one without a doubt in my mind I want to spend the rest of my life with".

  "What went wrong? What did I do to cause her to want to cheat on me? What if I asked her to move in to soon? What if I asked her to marry me too soon? What if I scared her away"? I thought everything was going great, but what if it really wasn't? What if she was just using me? All I can remember while these tears role down my face is all the good times we had. So where did I go wrong?"

  That's quite a bit of what ifs, don't you think? What in this story did go wrong? It's a no brainer the female was wrong by cheating. But why did she cheat? She concerned herself about the what if he cheats, that in her mind she became certain it was going to happen that she reversed willed it into existence. In other words she ended doing the cheating not him. Her fear and convincing herself it was going to happen, made it happen.

  He not once worried to himself about the what ifs in the beginning. However he did in the end. He blames himself because of what she did. He asks what if until he convinces himself it was his fault. So females ask future what ifs while males ask past what ifs.

  Imagine the difference it would have made if they realized the what is.

  Female, "he is handsome, "He is a great guy. We've been together for a long time and he is well worth marrying".

  Male, "She is my wife and I'll love her all my life.
   There is a point of personal evolution for this story.
The what ifs created a negative ripple, thus slowing down both the male and females evolution. They now both have to start new relationships and start the whole process all over again.

The what is sprung them forward on their evolutionary track. Now they have a great relationship and can start planning to have kids and an awesome future.

  Leo your compatibility sign is Saggittarius, see who their opposite sign is and how they can be inspired by them. Also see just how compatible you are.



    You are affectionate, security-loving, loyal, sensuous, conservative, possessive, practical, stubborn, strong-willed and resistant to change.

Like a rock, stable, consistent, can be rigid, It takes great effort to make them change their minds (once they make it up), practical, patient, reasonable and persistent, self sufficient and has no need for recognition.

Rules-arts, style, taste, physical attraction, close relationships of all types. Women and feminine sexuality, physical well-being, money, diplomacy and vanity

  Health- Throat and neck
for sore throats use: fenugreek, licorice, marshmallow, mullein, sage and/or slippery elm.

  Stone- Carnelian
Dispels apathy, promotes energy, creativity, compassion. Helps to balance emotions and intellect

  Taurus your opposite astrological sign of Scorpio has these words of inspiration for you...


        Common definition- Continuous rotation
my definition is reincarnation.

    When your body dies and your spirit goes to it's resting place. After so much time returns in a new body. This new body has to start the life cycle over again. But the spirit has returned to pick-up where it left off. We as humans can't remember our past lives because our minds don't allow us to. At least not at first, less we are fortunate enough to be raised learning how to listen to our spirit.

    So as beings on this Earth we make choices throughout our lives. Those choices not only affect how our lives progress, but how our spirit progresses. Remember as you learn in human form your spirit is also learning, or may be potentially learning.

    A theory of mine is....Well I'll use an example.
A child going through school is having issues in a certain subject. He or she is refusing to do the work, becomes frustrated or acts out in that class just to get into trouble so they don't have to do the work. We as parents want to get upset and punish the child for feeling the way they do. Of course it doesn't help matters when the parent asks why they refuse the subject and the response they get is, "I don't know, I just don't want to do it" or "I just don't feel like it". You keep asking why not enough and they'll come up with an answer they hope you'll except and drop the subject.
    We as adults were all kids once. We all felt and still as adults feel something is right or wrong or whether it's worth pursuing or not. I mean we "feel" it, not think it because we were brought up to believe it right or wrong. So then why would one think their child is any different? After all underneath all that flesh and bone is there not their spirit? hmm.

    The very real possibility of it is that their first answer is the right answer. We naturally and understandably want to get to the core answer. We genuinely want to help our children out of love for them. But maybe instead of asking them why till they give us an acceptable answer. What if we try asking them where? Confused?

   Mom, "Sally why don't you try in science? I want you to get good grades and see you graduate. So why don't you apply yourself?"
  Sally rolls her eyes, looks down at the floor. "I don't know" ,she says " I just don't feel like it's worth doing."

     Now here comes the part where we'll want to say. "oh okay, you don't feel it's worth doing? You don't feel it's worth getting a good grade so you can get into college, get a good job, make good money so you can live a better life your parents had. And provide a better life for your kids then my parents could provide for me and that we are having to struggle for you? Yeah your right, none of that is worth doing."

   I don't know about you but I felt bad just writing that. It's no wonder Sally says something like, "My teacher hates me" or "the kids in my class pick on me because they think I'm stupid."

   So now you have a child upset and looking for a way out of the conversation. Granted those may be legitimate answers. That could very well be happening. But what the other kids, the teachers and you as parents don't see is the real truth behind Sally's first answer of "I don't know". Because her mind doesn't know...But her spirit may. Chances are in her previous life, or one of them she was a scientist or a science major of some sort.

  Mom, "Sally, why don't you try in science? I want you to get good grades and graduate. So why don't you apply yourself?"
  Sally rolls her eyes, looks down at the floor. "I don't know" she says, "I just don't feel it's worth doing."
There are two absolute truths in Sally's reply. One her mind doesn't know as stated earlier. Two the word "feel".

   Mom asks, "Where do you feel it"? Sally looks up into her mother's eyes, totally thrown off by the question. "huh?", she asks. Mom repeats the question. "Where on your person do you feel like science isn't right for you?" Sally gets quiet, searching for the place it is felt. After a few moments she gives the most direct response she can. Something like, "everywhere" or "I feel it here". She may even say she feels it deep within.

   She might also look at you like you lost your mind and walk away. That's okay though, it just means she is unable or not yet ready for such a discussion. You did what you needed to do, you put the question out there and it'll cycle through her mind and spirit until she's ready to answer. When she becomes ready to continue, she'll let you know like giving you an answer like the ones above. Hopefully we parents will receive that answer before their out of school. There is a chance of it not happening. It doesn't hurt to remind them of the question, not everyday, more like every other week or month. The question is still coursing through them even if it appears not to be. So letting them know you are still interested about their answer, to them being curious in such a way means you really are interested in them and really care about how they feel.

  It doesn't matter when or how that answer comes. When it does respond with something like. "Do you want to tell me more about it?" show enthusiasm but not too much to avoid coming across as being sarcastic. Say something like "right there? Tell me more".
  Then just let them flow, let the words come out. Try your best not to interrupt, listen intently. There's a very good chance you'll learn that their spirit already knows. When they finish talking say then something like this, "You seem to have a very wise spirit, extremely smart and I believe it can and wants to help you achieve great things, because it too wants to achieve great things and with it's wisdom I have no doubt it will help you breeze through school and life after school. But you have to be willing to listen to it. Just like you did when you told me where you felt it. Are you willing to listen to it? Are you willing to listen to me and all authority figures with the understanding that we truly want the best for you?" They'll more then likely say yes. Kiss, hug, love then move on.

  In doing the above, a point of personal evolution has taken place. Not only for your child but for you as well. Congratulations. Also a new point in the cycle of life and revolution. Everytime you learn you evolve, everytime you evolve you revolve, or reinvent yourself and your spirit.

    Taurus, your compatible with Capricorn. See just how compatible you are and what words of inspiration their opposite sign of Cancer has for them.



      These signs are intense, controlling, passionate, loyal, resentful, secretive, strong willed, obstinate, complicated and jealous.

Deep conversationalists, conforms to the elements around them, sensitive and emotional

rules the criminal underworld, things that are unusual or taboo, the destruction of their home surroundings, earthquakes and volcanoes, making changes in oneself, healers, use gifts to make money, any form of uncontrolled power such as weapons of mass destruction, sexual reproduction and orgasm.

  For aids use: garlic and St. John's wort, may cure or improve the chances of getting rid of. For cancer prevention use: alfalfa, apple, chaparral, garlic, ginseng. Cancer treatment use: chaparral, mistletoe. Prostate cancer use: anise, black cohosh, fennel, red clover. Urinary issues use: cinnamon, cranberry.

Increases courage, dispells negativity

    Scorpio your opposite sign of Taurus has these words of inspiration for you.

History Repeats Itself

The universe has a funny way of putting you back into the same or similar situation. How often have you left a job, got another just to find that your new boss is near the same as the old one? Or your working in the same area as before? You carry the same or like same position or title? You were hoping this new place and what you have already learned and gained experience in would bring you a better position and yet it hasn't. You get frustrated wanting to to quit even before you get begin. You think, "here I go, I'm going to have to start all over again". Wait before you do let me tell you something. This may be your second or twentieth job. If you take just a moment and think about this and why you keep having to start over. Or do you really start over? In some degree yes you do, at the same time your taking what you have learned and applying it to the new job. Each new job something more to add until you reach the necessary knowledge to move up the ladder. This method of learning is a long and tiresome process. Each time you quit you create a negative ripple. Though you get another job and try again, your starting from the beginning....again. Reach a certain point quit, create that negative ripple and so on. So you see in this example how history repeats until you learn to stick with one job, at least for a longer period of time than you usually do. Would you rather repeat the process and maybe after ten years you get a promotion you could of gotten seven years earlier sticking to one job. This example goes for everything in your life, Relationships, Money, work, every thing.

     Scorpio you are compatible with Cancer. See just how compatible you are and how their opposite sign of Capricorn inspires them.

Cardinal Signs

Are those who have direct relations with that of compass points.
These signs set things in motion, are the start of, put in motion in accordance to their direction and season.
Also those who are self-assured, generally solid, can take a licking and keep on ticking. They are the foundation to the school of hard knocks. You knock them down and they'll get up and thank you for it. Great sense of humor.



Impulsive, enthusiastic, rash, impatient, loving, romantic, idealistic, naive, generous, sporty.

Those born with this element are the ones who take control, must be recognized, take great pride in what they have accomplished, leaders, the ones to go to when you need to motivate or be motivated, love materialistic objects

Sends energy out to make changes and take action. Makes us want to fight for what we value. Initiative, courage, physical strength and stamina.

Health-The head, headaches, migraines, sinuses, hay fever, earaches and eye strains.
For migraine prevention use: fever few, meadow sweet (herbal aspirin),bay ( to help relax and lower blood pressure),black cohosh (also to reduce blood pressure, especially for menstruation times), black haw: for headaches and menstrual cramps. For cluster headaches use: red pepper. For sinuses use: rosemary.

  beauty, strength and positive influence

Aries your opposite sign of Libra has these words for you.


Relationships play a major role in our lives. Each variation of a relationship has it's own set of rules. Friendship allows us to hang-out, play, tell our secrets, trust, but no love in the sense of boy/girlfriend. It is a no strings attached relationship. Most friends eventually move apart from each other. You told them everything about you, they know you through and through. What they know about you however is safe because on the same token you know them just as much. The greater importance is not what you learned about them but what you learned from them and they learned from you. Acquaintances are those who occasionally have conversations with you. Generally it is a short relationship but even still there's a great possibility that a quick something that either one of you needs to learn. A chance meeting is someone who approaches you, specifically you with a dilemma that needs immediate help or an answer. Not saying you should become an instant psychiatrist, but giving them a positive answer could be the answer that saves their life and helps them move forward. This chance meeting has happened to me on countless occasions. 
 Aries your compatibility sign is Gemini. See just how compatible you are and how their opposites sign of Sagittarius inspires them.


   Characteristics- Sensitive, imaginative, sentimental, protective, defensive, family-minded, loving, money-minded, tenacious, moody

   Element- water
Deep conversationist, adjusts to the elements around them, sensitive, emotional

  Planet- Mars
instincts, hearth and home, natural habits, feelings and emotions, woman, the mother figure, imagination, common people, water, tides and weather

   Health- picks up on other people’s moods, stomach and breasts.
for cancer prevention use: alfalfa, apple, chapparral, garlic and/or ginseng. For colic use: Coriander, dill, savory, slippery elm. For constipation use: Apple, buckthorn, cascara sagrada, parsley, psyllium, rhubarb, senna, vervain. For diarrhea use: Apple, barberry, blackberry, dill, goldenseal, meadowsweet, mullien, psyllium, rasberry, rhubarb, tea, uva ursa. For gas use: Dill. For nausea use: Ginger. For ulcer prevention use: Chamomile, papaya. For ulcer treatment use: Chamomile, licorice.

  Stone- Pearls
To strengthen the mind,
Moonstone for infertility, new beginnings, insight, intuition. Moonstone is the birthstone for Cancer. Pearls are your star stones.

Cancer you opposite sign of Capricorn has these words of inspiration for you.

This is Me

    Born Jan.15, 1975. Son of Joanne and Benjamin Ealy Sr. at Dale county hospital, Ozark, Alabama. For a reason I haven't learned, my father divorced my mom and left. Raised mostly by my three older siblings and occasionally seeing my mom. My brothers and sister were born of a different father. So that makes me a half blood, an odd ball. At the age of five, it was court ordered that we (except my oldest brother) were placed in foster care. During this time our mother was given one year to get back on track and get us back. For whatever reason she failed to do so. Because of that, I ended up in four foster homes. All but one had abused me in some way or another. One was a drunk man who came home every night and whipped me with a belt. Though he served time, it still seems to not be enough. The other was a married couple. The woman had no business being a foster mom. She stripped me down to total nakedness and put me outside and left me there for what seemed like hours. I suppose it was her idea to teach me not to wet the bed. The third home ended up being the older kids. They were bullies, except they backed up what they said they were going to do. It was here I learned to deal with pain and where I found an intense amount of inner strength. Later we were put on t.v. and newspapers. It was the adoption agencies way of pleading for someone to adopt us. There was a couple who considered it, but realized they didn't have a big enough house for the three of us. Then another family took interest. At this point I became very quiet and shy. I was thinking, here's someone else we’re going to stay with for awhile till we get dumped onto someone else. But no, as it turns out they did adopt us. I didn't really worry about the adoption, when asked if I wanted to be and why my reply was something like," I'm tired of not being with my siblings, if they say yes then I'll say yes just to be with them." And so we were. And I was happy again...Until my brother turned eighteen, graduated from high school and moved away. Memories of us not being together came back and I started acting out. I realized my sister was going to also turn of age and leave too. I was once again going to be all alone. At age thirteen I exploded with anger which lasted till I was seventeen. It was the best birthday I can remember having. Probably because two days later I was heading off to the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch. Where I would spend the last two years I had in high school. Though once I left the house I no longer had a home to go to. It was on my birthday something clicked in my brain and I told myself that if I didn't change I was going to end up in prison or dead. There were many times I prayed for help and guidance from God. Many days and nights where I sit in my closet hiding and crying begging him to help me. I didn't receive that help. It was my intention, my will that changed the way I thought and ultimately changed the outcome of my life. Upon arriving to this new place and new school my GPA was 1.7, upon graduating it was 3.8. A change that I made within myself. The day of my graduation, my sister, mom and dad. came to see the miracle. My sister at some point got married. I stayed with her for a short while due to her husband not liking me there. On the verge of living on the street decided to join the Army. Basic training I was loving it. Nineteen years old and had a future. Short lived future because during our longest march my hip had a blow out. Though somehow I passed basic I didn't last long in regular army. My girlfriend at the time ended up cheating on me, I found out six months into the relationship. I broke up with her. Managed to locate my brother. He came and got me, the year was 1995. After a few years of working here and there, got another girlfriend. She wasn't looking to get serious and yet we did. After close to two years and a daughter of hers later. She tells me she had intercourse with someone else the same night we first did. Her daughter could be his. If she didn't cheat on me and didn't break up. I would've been proud to call her daughter mine. She was the sweetest, quietest, most loveable baby I knew. I loved her and she loved me very much. We were a family and I was happy. At this point I was working between my brother and friend installing floors when I met my wife for the first time. I wasn't ready at that time to get involved in another relationship. So I came across as a jerk. Turns out later we came to be anyways. I suppose we were meant to be. Seven years together, six years married and a son that I have no doubt is mine. I'll not ever deny him. She cheats on me. It took three weeks to get her back. I still loved her. A year and another son later, I had a family, I was in love, I was happy....She cheats again. Kicks me out and blames me, and yet I still loved her. It's been three years, my sons are in foster care. On the verge of being adopted. I'm about to lose my family yet again. Talk about history repeating itself. The boys have already been abused and neglected. There is still time to save them, my wife and myself from what's to come. I've tried everything I could think of to get my wife to understand that this is not the way it should be and it'll take both of us to change the outcome. She is very stubborn and yet I still have a love for her. I will always love her no matter what. That was my promise to her and I refuse to break it at least until death do we part. That doesn't mean I won't find somebody else and love them just as much. What's missing in this world is the understanding what love really is. It's more than physical, it's spiritual. To love unconditionally, no matter what.

  Cancer your compatibility sign is Scorpio. See just how compatible you are and how their opposites sign of Taurus may inspire them. 



Responsible, practical, self-recognition, shy, pessimistic, conventional, undemonstrative, loyal, excellent sense of humor.

    Element- Earth
Like a rock, stable, consistent, rigid, takes great effort to make them change their mind....once they make it up, practical, patient, reasonable and persistent, self sufficient, needs no recognition.

All authoritative figures, exams and teachers, economics, time, aging, depression, fear and loneliness.

   Health- Skin Teeth and Bones
For tooth decay use: Chaparral, mints, tea. For leprosy (Hansen's disease) use: Garlic, gotu kola. For hives use: Parsley. For burns use: Aloe, chamomile, comfrey, echinacea, gotu kola, marshmellow, passion flower, St. John's wort, yarrow. For arthritis use: Angelica, black haw, boneset, chamomile, chaparral, echinacea, fenugreek, gentian, ginger, horsetail, juniper, licorice, meadowsweet, St. John's wort, turmeric, vervain, white willow. For acne use: Basil oil.

To attract sexual love or soul mate

  Capricorn your opposite sign of Cancer has these words of inspiration for you.

Tears of Joy, Tears of Sorrow

                                                    Tears Of Joy

     Someone you have loved has passed away or maybe the two of you have gone separate ways. Sad thoughts I know. What does this have to do with happiness? you ask. Let me tell you. In these saddened times we cry not because we are thinking of the hard times we went through. Not because of a negative feeling. We cry because we are remembering the good times we had. We cry while remembering these times because it's the mind and bodies natural response in order to flush away those good memories. It's our way of letting go of those times in order to move forward and forget. If you don't have or take the time to do this, those memories will come back time and time again. Though the rest of you might have moved on, found a new mate, those memories tend to creep into your mind. Thinking to yourself" my ex used to do that, or my ex has never done anything like that." and yes even, "I was hurt in the past so I'm afraid"... True your ex could have been abusive, but I'm not talking physical pain. I'm talking about mental torture. So if you want to not think of your past relationship. Then cry your tears of joy.

                                                 Tears Of Sorrow

    You probably know where this is going. These tears of course come when happy about a situation. You were separated from your sibling at a young age. Old enough to remember them. One day, out of the blue you get a phone call. "Hi I'm your brother/sister." You plan a trip, meet with them. Upon seeing them for the first time in however many years, you know without a doubt it's them. Tears come streaming down your face, out of your mind overjoyed that you have been reunited. But these tears are tears of sorrow. Remembering the last time you saw them and how much time has been missed. All that sorrow can finally be let go thanks to your being reunited.                                                         



 Characteristics- indecisive, sees two sides to every argument, charming, diplomatic, romantic, sentimental, easily flattered, idealistic, resentful, needs harmony.


Idealistic, social, ever changing, need for freedom of thought and motion

The planet of love, affection, friendship, unions, pleasures, the art of love

 Health-stress, kidneys
For stress use: balm, bay, catnip, celery, chamomile, ginseng, motherwort, passionflower, skullcap, wild cherry, yarrow. As an anti-depressant use: St. Johns wort. For digestive aid use: allspice, angelica, anise, balm, caraway, catnip, chamomile, cinnamon, clove, cocoa, comfrey, coriander, dandelion, dill,

Enhances meditation and spiritual awareness. Wear to protect against illness, as a pendant to deter negativity, dispel fears and balance the aura, reduces anger, jealousy and insecurity, Connects the spiritual with the physical.

Libra, your opposite sign of Aries has these words of inspiration for you.


    A female friend of mine has asked me for advice, for which I'm happy to give but only when asked. I won't get into details except for what pertains to this subject.

  She has a new friend. This friend has his group of friends and she has hers. His friends like her, her friends like him. However their friends don't care for each other all that much. Here's why. It was decided that friends should meet friends. Nothing wrong with that. But when you have a group of individuals looking at another group and both groups haven't been in contact before, it creates an awkward atmosphere. Each party is accustomed to doing their own thing. So one group wants to do this and the other wants to do that. See where this is going? That's right, tension builds. When you take two magnets, turn the magnets so that the two negative ends face each other. Now try forcing those magnets to connect. What happens? You guessed it, you get resistance. It's the same concept with humans. As the party leader should have told her group of friends at least what she was planning. It would allow them the necessary preparations to be the positive balance to a potentially negative situation. Then if things were headed towards a violent outcome her friends would recognize and be able to adjust their energies to bring a balance back into the party. The night would of ended, or had a greater potential of ending peacefully but not exactly a success. I can imagine if I were telling her this right now, she would say "What do you mean it wasn't a success? It ended peacefully, so how wasn't it a success"? I'd almost be daring enough to bet money on them telling the same thing she already heard. Which was" I didn't like so and so".  It is, as all should know easier to get to know people on a one on one basis. When you meet with someone for the first time it more than likely was on a one on one scenario, or found yourselves talking to each other in a corner of a crowded room. One on one first,  then a group.
  Libra, your compatible with aquarius. See just how compatible you are and how their opposites sign of Leo may inspire them.

Mutable Signs

People with this sign have the ability to change or adapt to some degree to the people or environments around them. Versatile, aim to be pleasurable company. They prefer to be liked by all and may change in order to do so.



  Optimistic, enthusiastic, expansive, need for challenge, honest, tactless, love of freedom, love of knowledge, philosophical

Take control, must be recognized, team leaders, glory seekers, materialistic, motivators

Religious faith, wisdom, the spirit of the law, philosophy and all theoretical thoughts

  Health- nervous and physical energies, hips
Not much at this time for hips or joint relief as far as herbal however Glucosamine is most commonly used. For nervous energies calming teas such as chamomile or lavender will bring a calming effect.

  Stone- Turquoise
To ward off the evil eye, absorbs negative feelings, possesses a strong healing vibration

   Sagittarius, your opposite sign of Gemini has these words of inspiration for you.

Communication Is Key

 In all the writings in this book, one very important thing is a key element everyday, all the time, in all we do and that is: Communicate.

   Every one carries the ability to sense or feel what other people feel. Most however are unaware of it. For this reason we were given a voice. Even deaf people have a voice by way of talking with their hands, and if you ever noticed their body language it can shout pretty loud.

  It's how we know how our partners feel about the relationship. It's how we even begin to know them in the first place, during the dating cycle.

  If your work place is any count, communication is a must have in order to have organization. To write or give verbal tasks (or to receive them) between management and employees to ensure necessary company goals are met.

  Communication is foundation for everything we do, whether it is spiritual or physical.

Spiritual communication I find to be more precise. There are several levels of spiritual beings. Staring with the source of all things, whether you call it God, the all, or the higher power. One thing is certain it is the beginning and ending of all things. Next would be the Arch Angels or gods and goddesses overlooking particular domains, planets, and life as it pertains to that planet. Following them would be the angels or high spirit guides. These spiritual beings are the start of those who visit us here on Earth. They are either here in spirit or human form. Over the years of returning to Earth learned all that could be learned on an Earthly level, have taken their place in the higher levels of the astral world. The list goes all the way down to spirits who reside along side us. Here is where things get tricky. As with positive and negative people, there are also positive and negative spirits. Or not so much negative, rather inexperienced in ways of proper spiritual communication. These spirits are the ones who speak to you own spirit. Your spirit in turn speaks to you. When you have a question, the process starts with you then your spirit and moves up till a being has an answer for you. You could ask your friend and they may already have that answer for you. Often times when someone asks you a question such as: about love or going off to do something, you get a feeling in your stomach or chest, sometimes both. That feeling you get may be your spirit communicating with your mind and your mind communicates with your body, which responds in giving those feelings. The thing to learn is the proper response according to those feelings. For instance, when I feel it in my chest I recognize it as a bad idea or is going to result in a negative way. If I feel it in my stomach, it's harder to determine but is generally a positive outcome, however there are various degrees to what you feel in both areas. The most common for me is fear, but because it's my stomach, I know that by facing my fear the outcome will be a positive one and it'll teach me or the one asking the question a lesson for which personal evolution can take place.

    Talking to one another can have a profound impact in your life. You never know (while listening) when you'll learn something from them. Sometimes the question you have will be answered by them. Not all the time will you receive a direct answer from the spiritual realm. Often times it could come from your partner or a person you never met before at a grocery store at a vacation spot. Listening is just as important as talking. Some times it is even more important. Many have asked "what is the secret to life"? The answer is: knowing when to hear none, means it's time to talk. See none: the blind man sees not, speaks not but hears all. Speak not, means it's time to listen, but don't speak because you'll miss what's being said. Otherwise, you'll know not. The best place I found to learn this is at the beach during a busy summer day. First have a seat, don't say anything, just look and listen to everything around you. Now close your eyes, still no talking and just listen, chances are you'll hear things that are further away and/or something that is closer that you didn't hear before. Open your eyes and close your ears and see what happens. Now speak and tell someone what you've learned and see if they want to join you and help you with your experiment. If they do then you two can talk about what each has learned while the other listens without speaking to the one talking. Before you know it you will have mastered Earthly communication. Take it a step further. Find a quiet place, go through the steps but instead listen to yourself (your spirit) then go further and listen to your spirit guides.

  Sagittarius, you’re compatible with Leo. See just how compatible you are and how their opposites sign of aquarius may inspire them.


                                      August, 24-Sept.22

  Modest, practical, critical, thrifty, health conscience, cautious, perfectionist, quick-witted, industrious, happy to be of service.


Stable, consistent, like an unmovable mountain, practical, patient, reasonable and persistent, self sufficient, needs no recognition

  Planet- Mercury

Communication, in books, newspapers, telephones, t.v, computers, position, how we operate

  Health- Abdomen, intestines

For colic use: Coriander, dill, savory, slippery elm. For constipation use: Apple, buckthorn, cascara sagrada, parsley, psyllium, rhubarb, senna, vervain. For gas use: Dill. For herpes use: (externally) Balm, comfrey, hyssop, licorice, marjoram, mint oils, uva ursi, (internally) echinacea, ginseng.

   Stone-Moss Agate
Stress, brings relief at times when feeling under pressure, balance emotions, encourages hope and trust.

    Virgo, your opposite sign of Pisces has these words of inspiration for you.