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Saturday, March 31, 2012


  From fish to feet-
Some believe we derived from the sea. We were fish or some sea creature that due to changing conditions on Earth, decided to come out of the water and over thousands or billions of years, evolved into humans.

  From monkey to man-
Some such as scientists believe we started off as knuckle draggers and over time stood upright. To a human it makes a bit more sense then the fishy story.

  Out of clay, then ran away-
Others say we were formed from mud and baked into human existence by the Sun.

  They clipped our wings, and we fell from the sky-
Still others will say we were once birds which would explain why we have such protruding shoulder blades.

  From heavenly to human bodies-
And last but not least. We were once stars or come from above. Once without a shell or body. Came to Earth and gave ourselves a body that will deteriorate and perish so we can return in a new body. To teach us spiritually about all forms of life and such.

  Fact is, all of this is true if you believe in such. Given the fact that outside of our current bodies we are spirit. And as spirit we are only bound by what we believe we can....or cannot do. As spirit we can fly with no fear of heights....unless your afraid of heights. You can swim to the deepest part of the sea, with no fear of drowning....unless your afraid of drowning. You can travel anywhere in or even outside of the universe with no fear of going out....unless you’re afraid to go out.

  Now when I say, unless you fear something. I'm not saying what you fear will happen unless you allow it to happen. In other words, There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Evolution comes because we chose to do something without fear.

   There was a man who at as a child almost drowned in a pool. For many years growing up, greatly feared water. Till one day he faced his fear, looked upon the water in the pool and said, "You will not defeat me”. Then he jumped in. Later he became an Olympic champion. Thus he evolved.

   Every day of our lives we have a choice to make. We can either fear the outcome and continue to ask what if this or that happens. How will you ever know what will happen? Instead of fearing what doesn't exist until you fear it into existence. Try seizing the moment because all that exists now is the what is.

   Evolution comes in only one of two ways. Good or bad, positive or negative.
Every mistake you make causes a negative ripple to yourself and others around you. But that's not a bad thing, being who we are we have a choice to make. We can fear the outcome and never try it again, or we can learn from it, face our fear and try again. If we forever fear it, the negative ripple stays and you personal evolution backslides or doesn't allow you to move forward and evolve to the better place or position you should be at. Or take ten times longer to get there. If you face it and try again, learn from it and you'll find yourself evolving forward at a much faster pace.

  Each little step of personal evolution you take, brings you closer to the goal evolution your spirit has set in this lifetime.

   Gemini you’re compatible with Aries. See just how compatible you are and how their opposites sign of Libra may inspire them.

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