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Saturday, March 31, 2012


   To lose one in order to gain another.
To give up a part or all of oneself to benefit another.

    This is the hardest thing for a human to do. To focus clearly and understand that all emotions are backing them.
It's like a couple moving in together and she removes his favorite chair for a love seat.

     Maybe it's just me, but I feel if your going to move in together it's best to give up all personal possessions of your past. All furniture, pictures (except immediate family photos), everything. After all you’re in a new relationship and new beginnings, why bring the old into the new? Leave the past in the past. In this way everything and everyday will be new to both of you in everyway.

   Sacrifice- To give up your most cherished possession.
   To give up your thoughts of the past.
   You are giving up what you no longer need in order to gain all that you do.

    With every choice we make, we sacrifice one for the other. Do I eat this or that? Do I say no to love and instead say yes to work or education? And so on. All of us are capable of doing both, some of choose to do just one or the other, sacrificing something that could assist us with both.

   There are those who can multi-function. These people have a greater knowledge or soon to learn things at a faster rate than those who concentrate on that one thing. It is fact that sometimes it's best to walk away or find something else to do for awhile. In doing so, you allow your brain time to rest and put what your trying to accomplish into a sensible perspective. When you return to the project you'll find that all of a sudden it seems easier. The more you concentrate, the harder it becomes.

  When it comes to relationships, the more you concentrate on work or education. The harder it is to learn about love. How much work or how far up the ladder will you climb if all you do is work? And not from time to time take a break and spend time with that certain someone who in one way or another changes your life to some degree.

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