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Saturday, March 31, 2012


   Characteristics- Sensitive, imaginative, sentimental, protective, defensive, family-minded, loving, money-minded, tenacious, moody

   Element- water
Deep conversationist, adjusts to the elements around them, sensitive, emotional

  Planet- Mars
instincts, hearth and home, natural habits, feelings and emotions, woman, the mother figure, imagination, common people, water, tides and weather

   Health- picks up on other people’s moods, stomach and breasts.
for cancer prevention use: alfalfa, apple, chapparral, garlic and/or ginseng. For colic use: Coriander, dill, savory, slippery elm. For constipation use: Apple, buckthorn, cascara sagrada, parsley, psyllium, rhubarb, senna, vervain. For diarrhea use: Apple, barberry, blackberry, dill, goldenseal, meadowsweet, mullien, psyllium, rasberry, rhubarb, tea, uva ursa. For gas use: Dill. For nausea use: Ginger. For ulcer prevention use: Chamomile, papaya. For ulcer treatment use: Chamomile, licorice.

  Stone- Pearls
To strengthen the mind,
Moonstone for infertility, new beginnings, insight, intuition. Moonstone is the birthstone for Cancer. Pearls are your star stones.

Cancer you opposite sign of Capricorn has these words of inspiration for you.

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