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Saturday, March 31, 2012


        Common definition- Continuous rotation
my definition is reincarnation.

    When your body dies and your spirit goes to it's resting place. After so much time returns in a new body. This new body has to start the life cycle over again. But the spirit has returned to pick-up where it left off. We as humans can't remember our past lives because our minds don't allow us to. At least not at first, less we are fortunate enough to be raised learning how to listen to our spirit.

    So as beings on this Earth we make choices throughout our lives. Those choices not only affect how our lives progress, but how our spirit progresses. Remember as you learn in human form your spirit is also learning, or may be potentially learning.

    A theory of mine is....Well I'll use an example.
A child going through school is having issues in a certain subject. He or she is refusing to do the work, becomes frustrated or acts out in that class just to get into trouble so they don't have to do the work. We as parents want to get upset and punish the child for feeling the way they do. Of course it doesn't help matters when the parent asks why they refuse the subject and the response they get is, "I don't know, I just don't want to do it" or "I just don't feel like it". You keep asking why not enough and they'll come up with an answer they hope you'll except and drop the subject.
    We as adults were all kids once. We all felt and still as adults feel something is right or wrong or whether it's worth pursuing or not. I mean we "feel" it, not think it because we were brought up to believe it right or wrong. So then why would one think their child is any different? After all underneath all that flesh and bone is there not their spirit? hmm.

    The very real possibility of it is that their first answer is the right answer. We naturally and understandably want to get to the core answer. We genuinely want to help our children out of love for them. But maybe instead of asking them why till they give us an acceptable answer. What if we try asking them where? Confused?

   Mom, "Sally why don't you try in science? I want you to get good grades and see you graduate. So why don't you apply yourself?"
  Sally rolls her eyes, looks down at the floor. "I don't know" ,she says " I just don't feel like it's worth doing."

     Now here comes the part where we'll want to say. "oh okay, you don't feel it's worth doing? You don't feel it's worth getting a good grade so you can get into college, get a good job, make good money so you can live a better life your parents had. And provide a better life for your kids then my parents could provide for me and that we are having to struggle for you? Yeah your right, none of that is worth doing."

   I don't know about you but I felt bad just writing that. It's no wonder Sally says something like, "My teacher hates me" or "the kids in my class pick on me because they think I'm stupid."

   So now you have a child upset and looking for a way out of the conversation. Granted those may be legitimate answers. That could very well be happening. But what the other kids, the teachers and you as parents don't see is the real truth behind Sally's first answer of "I don't know". Because her mind doesn't know...But her spirit may. Chances are in her previous life, or one of them she was a scientist or a science major of some sort.

  Mom, "Sally, why don't you try in science? I want you to get good grades and graduate. So why don't you apply yourself?"
  Sally rolls her eyes, looks down at the floor. "I don't know" she says, "I just don't feel it's worth doing."
There are two absolute truths in Sally's reply. One her mind doesn't know as stated earlier. Two the word "feel".

   Mom asks, "Where do you feel it"? Sally looks up into her mother's eyes, totally thrown off by the question. "huh?", she asks. Mom repeats the question. "Where on your person do you feel like science isn't right for you?" Sally gets quiet, searching for the place it is felt. After a few moments she gives the most direct response she can. Something like, "everywhere" or "I feel it here". She may even say she feels it deep within.

   She might also look at you like you lost your mind and walk away. That's okay though, it just means she is unable or not yet ready for such a discussion. You did what you needed to do, you put the question out there and it'll cycle through her mind and spirit until she's ready to answer. When she becomes ready to continue, she'll let you know like giving you an answer like the ones above. Hopefully we parents will receive that answer before their out of school. There is a chance of it not happening. It doesn't hurt to remind them of the question, not everyday, more like every other week or month. The question is still coursing through them even if it appears not to be. So letting them know you are still interested about their answer, to them being curious in such a way means you really are interested in them and really care about how they feel.

  It doesn't matter when or how that answer comes. When it does respond with something like. "Do you want to tell me more about it?" show enthusiasm but not too much to avoid coming across as being sarcastic. Say something like "right there? Tell me more".
  Then just let them flow, let the words come out. Try your best not to interrupt, listen intently. There's a very good chance you'll learn that their spirit already knows. When they finish talking say then something like this, "You seem to have a very wise spirit, extremely smart and I believe it can and wants to help you achieve great things, because it too wants to achieve great things and with it's wisdom I have no doubt it will help you breeze through school and life after school. But you have to be willing to listen to it. Just like you did when you told me where you felt it. Are you willing to listen to it? Are you willing to listen to me and all authority figures with the understanding that we truly want the best for you?" They'll more then likely say yes. Kiss, hug, love then move on.

  In doing the above, a point of personal evolution has taken place. Not only for your child but for you as well. Congratulations. Also a new point in the cycle of life and revolution. Everytime you learn you evolve, everytime you evolve you revolve, or reinvent yourself and your spirit.

    Taurus, your compatible with Capricorn. See just how compatible you are and what words of inspiration their opposite sign of Cancer has for them.

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