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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Communication Is Key

 In all the writings in this book, one very important thing is a key element everyday, all the time, in all we do and that is: Communicate.

   Every one carries the ability to sense or feel what other people feel. Most however are unaware of it. For this reason we were given a voice. Even deaf people have a voice by way of talking with their hands, and if you ever noticed their body language it can shout pretty loud.

  It's how we know how our partners feel about the relationship. It's how we even begin to know them in the first place, during the dating cycle.

  If your work place is any count, communication is a must have in order to have organization. To write or give verbal tasks (or to receive them) between management and employees to ensure necessary company goals are met.

  Communication is foundation for everything we do, whether it is spiritual or physical.

Spiritual communication I find to be more precise. There are several levels of spiritual beings. Staring with the source of all things, whether you call it God, the all, or the higher power. One thing is certain it is the beginning and ending of all things. Next would be the Arch Angels or gods and goddesses overlooking particular domains, planets, and life as it pertains to that planet. Following them would be the angels or high spirit guides. These spiritual beings are the start of those who visit us here on Earth. They are either here in spirit or human form. Over the years of returning to Earth learned all that could be learned on an Earthly level, have taken their place in the higher levels of the astral world. The list goes all the way down to spirits who reside along side us. Here is where things get tricky. As with positive and negative people, there are also positive and negative spirits. Or not so much negative, rather inexperienced in ways of proper spiritual communication. These spirits are the ones who speak to you own spirit. Your spirit in turn speaks to you. When you have a question, the process starts with you then your spirit and moves up till a being has an answer for you. You could ask your friend and they may already have that answer for you. Often times when someone asks you a question such as: about love or going off to do something, you get a feeling in your stomach or chest, sometimes both. That feeling you get may be your spirit communicating with your mind and your mind communicates with your body, which responds in giving those feelings. The thing to learn is the proper response according to those feelings. For instance, when I feel it in my chest I recognize it as a bad idea or is going to result in a negative way. If I feel it in my stomach, it's harder to determine but is generally a positive outcome, however there are various degrees to what you feel in both areas. The most common for me is fear, but because it's my stomach, I know that by facing my fear the outcome will be a positive one and it'll teach me or the one asking the question a lesson for which personal evolution can take place.

    Talking to one another can have a profound impact in your life. You never know (while listening) when you'll learn something from them. Sometimes the question you have will be answered by them. Not all the time will you receive a direct answer from the spiritual realm. Often times it could come from your partner or a person you never met before at a grocery store at a vacation spot. Listening is just as important as talking. Some times it is even more important. Many have asked "what is the secret to life"? The answer is: knowing when to hear none, means it's time to talk. See none: the blind man sees not, speaks not but hears all. Speak not, means it's time to listen, but don't speak because you'll miss what's being said. Otherwise, you'll know not. The best place I found to learn this is at the beach during a busy summer day. First have a seat, don't say anything, just look and listen to everything around you. Now close your eyes, still no talking and just listen, chances are you'll hear things that are further away and/or something that is closer that you didn't hear before. Open your eyes and close your ears and see what happens. Now speak and tell someone what you've learned and see if they want to join you and help you with your experiment. If they do then you two can talk about what each has learned while the other listens without speaking to the one talking. Before you know it you will have mastered Earthly communication. Take it a step further. Find a quiet place, go through the steps but instead listen to yourself (your spirit) then go further and listen to your spirit guides.

  Sagittarius, you’re compatible with Leo. See just how compatible you are and how their opposites sign of aquarius may inspire them.

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