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Saturday, March 31, 2012


                                      August, 24-Sept.22

  Modest, practical, critical, thrifty, health conscience, cautious, perfectionist, quick-witted, industrious, happy to be of service.


Stable, consistent, like an unmovable mountain, practical, patient, reasonable and persistent, self sufficient, needs no recognition

  Planet- Mercury

Communication, in books, newspapers, telephones, t.v, computers, position, how we operate

  Health- Abdomen, intestines

For colic use: Coriander, dill, savory, slippery elm. For constipation use: Apple, buckthorn, cascara sagrada, parsley, psyllium, rhubarb, senna, vervain. For gas use: Dill. For herpes use: (externally) Balm, comfrey, hyssop, licorice, marjoram, mint oils, uva ursi, (internally) echinacea, ginseng.

   Stone-Moss Agate
Stress, brings relief at times when feeling under pressure, balance emotions, encourages hope and trust.

    Virgo, your opposite sign of Pisces has these words of inspiration for you.

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