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Saturday, March 31, 2012

History Repeats Itself

The universe has a funny way of putting you back into the same or similar situation. How often have you left a job, got another just to find that your new boss is near the same as the old one? Or your working in the same area as before? You carry the same or like same position or title? You were hoping this new place and what you have already learned and gained experience in would bring you a better position and yet it hasn't. You get frustrated wanting to to quit even before you get begin. You think, "here I go, I'm going to have to start all over again". Wait before you do let me tell you something. This may be your second or twentieth job. If you take just a moment and think about this and why you keep having to start over. Or do you really start over? In some degree yes you do, at the same time your taking what you have learned and applying it to the new job. Each new job something more to add until you reach the necessary knowledge to move up the ladder. This method of learning is a long and tiresome process. Each time you quit you create a negative ripple. Though you get another job and try again, your starting from the beginning....again. Reach a certain point quit, create that negative ripple and so on. So you see in this example how history repeats until you learn to stick with one job, at least for a longer period of time than you usually do. Would you rather repeat the process and maybe after ten years you get a promotion you could of gotten seven years earlier sticking to one job. This example goes for everything in your life, Relationships, Money, work, every thing.

     Scorpio you are compatible with Cancer. See just how compatible you are and how their opposite sign of Capricorn inspires them.

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