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Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Mind

                             (A continuation of History Repeats)

       The mind has a different view point on how history repeats. Each human is unique. That's what makes them an individual. If you compare yourself to a snowflake and others around you, knowing that no two snowflakes are exactly alike but carry out the same purpose. Naturally the difference between snowflakes and humans is that wonderfully terrible thing we call a mind. Based on my studies in my particular spirituality, it is my belief that what mainstream religions call the devil or deceiver, I call the human mind. It is your mind that creates an automatic response to any situation. Let's start with life. You were born, given a name, the man that took part in your conception leaves the woman that gave birth to you. You and your siblings are being raised underneath a small rat infested, barely big enough to fit everyone, poor, drinking coffee for breakfast at four years old, going to preschool barefooted, being taught by your siblings how to do everyday functions. It wasn't because your birth mother wasn't trying. She was off "working" for days on end. The courts take you all away, separate you and place you in different foster homes that were all abusive in one way or another. Finally get put up for adoption after all those years of hell. I'm pretty sure your mind is thinking that life sucks, what's the point of living if this is how life is? It is at this most critical point in your life that the deceiver creeps in. It tells you to end your life. Go kill people before they harm anyone else, or run away from them all and do drugs because drugs are your best friend now. They'll take away all your pain. Well that's what the guy said that lives in the alley. It tells you to be afraid of life because life sucks. But wait, what's this? Oh mainstreams religions say it's the angel of the lord coming to tell you the truth. I say it's your own spirit speaking to you. Or it may be your spirit guide "guardian angel". If your spirits energy is weakened by your minds words. Crucial point. Do you listen to your mind and forever fear life? Remember what happens when you fear. You don't evolve. What happens when you face your fear? Your spirit breaks through, conquers your mind and breaks down the negativity. Moves your personal evolution forward bringing you to a better state of mind and a far better place than you could have been.

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