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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Tears of Joy, Tears of Sorrow

                                                    Tears Of Joy

     Someone you have loved has passed away or maybe the two of you have gone separate ways. Sad thoughts I know. What does this have to do with happiness? you ask. Let me tell you. In these saddened times we cry not because we are thinking of the hard times we went through. Not because of a negative feeling. We cry because we are remembering the good times we had. We cry while remembering these times because it's the mind and bodies natural response in order to flush away those good memories. It's our way of letting go of those times in order to move forward and forget. If you don't have or take the time to do this, those memories will come back time and time again. Though the rest of you might have moved on, found a new mate, those memories tend to creep into your mind. Thinking to yourself" my ex used to do that, or my ex has never done anything like that." and yes even, "I was hurt in the past so I'm afraid"... True your ex could have been abusive, but I'm not talking physical pain. I'm talking about mental torture. So if you want to not think of your past relationship. Then cry your tears of joy.

                                                 Tears Of Sorrow

    You probably know where this is going. These tears of course come when happy about a situation. You were separated from your sibling at a young age. Old enough to remember them. One day, out of the blue you get a phone call. "Hi I'm your brother/sister." You plan a trip, meet with them. Upon seeing them for the first time in however many years, you know without a doubt it's them. Tears come streaming down your face, out of your mind overjoyed that you have been reunited. But these tears are tears of sorrow. Remembering the last time you saw them and how much time has been missed. All that sorrow can finally be let go thanks to your being reunited.                                                         

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