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Saturday, March 31, 2012


    A female friend of mine has asked me for advice, for which I'm happy to give but only when asked. I won't get into details except for what pertains to this subject.

  She has a new friend. This friend has his group of friends and she has hers. His friends like her, her friends like him. However their friends don't care for each other all that much. Here's why. It was decided that friends should meet friends. Nothing wrong with that. But when you have a group of individuals looking at another group and both groups haven't been in contact before, it creates an awkward atmosphere. Each party is accustomed to doing their own thing. So one group wants to do this and the other wants to do that. See where this is going? That's right, tension builds. When you take two magnets, turn the magnets so that the two negative ends face each other. Now try forcing those magnets to connect. What happens? You guessed it, you get resistance. It's the same concept with humans. As the party leader should have told her group of friends at least what she was planning. It would allow them the necessary preparations to be the positive balance to a potentially negative situation. Then if things were headed towards a violent outcome her friends would recognize and be able to adjust their energies to bring a balance back into the party. The night would of ended, or had a greater potential of ending peacefully but not exactly a success. I can imagine if I were telling her this right now, she would say "What do you mean it wasn't a success? It ended peacefully, so how wasn't it a success"? I'd almost be daring enough to bet money on them telling the same thing she already heard. Which was" I didn't like so and so".  It is, as all should know easier to get to know people on a one on one basis. When you meet with someone for the first time it more than likely was on a one on one scenario, or found yourselves talking to each other in a corner of a crowded room. One on one first,  then a group.
  Libra, your compatible with aquarius. See just how compatible you are and how their opposites sign of Leo may inspire them.

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